Towaliga Accountability Courts
The TAC Drug Court program is a 24-month, four-phase intervention program for adults who have pled guilty to one or more non-violent felony, drug-related offenses and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober. It is a collaborative effort between Superior Court, District Attorney's Office, Probation Office, Public Defender, Local Law Enforcement Agencies, and Substance Abuse Providers. By working together they seek to provide a variety or programs and supervision geared toward supporting and helping individuals maintain a drug-free life. 
4 Phases of the Towaliga Drug Court 

Phase 1: Cognitive Behavioral Interventions, Matrix ERS, and other life skill classes

Phase 2: Living in Balance, Relapse Prevention, and other life skill classes

Phase 3: MRT, Seeking Safety, and other life skill classes 

Phase 4: Transitions and Matrix RP classes, preparation for graduation, and completing requirements.